
Psychological Disorders In Nancy Raine's Daily Functioning

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Daily Functioning The disorder affected the author’s daily functioning immensely. When looking at the social aspect of her life, her disorder affected both her relationships with her friends and family. After the traumatic rape, Raine moved from friends house to friends house. All of her friends were there to help and support her. However, after some time some of her friends thought she was overreacting about certain things that she would experience. A friend was even suggesting that she was asking for the rape since she moved in an apartment in the working class area. After moving around from all those houses, Raine moved in with her parents for quite some time. For days she would follow her mother around. Whether her mother was raking the leaves outside, reading or watching TV, Raine was there. Raine would also sleep with her mother. She felt safe and secure sharing a bed with her mother. Although she didn’t sleep much due to the nightmares, having her mother by her side made things a little easier. During the day, she would help her father craft items out of wood. She said in those moments she never felt closer to him, even when she was younger. A couple years after …show more content…

Post traumatic stress disorder is brought on by a traumatic event that happens in someone’s life. In Nancy Raine’s case, it was tragic rape that had happened to her in her own home. To make things worse, the rapist was in her home for hours. She was tormented for hours before she could finally call for help. With the occurrence of this traumatic event, it lead to her disorder. Raine never thought about PTSD until she read an article that talked about PTSD and how it ties in with women that have been raped. When looking back on the past few years that have passed since the rape, she had many of the symptoms that coincide with PTSD. An agreement with the author and the text is the cause of PTSD as rape in women is 32% common throughout the

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