Psychology Personal Statement

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My entry to the field of psychology has been on a very personal note. It happened to be a very sad incident in my life that has personally motivated me to be in the field of mental healthcare. A very dear friend of mine in high school decided to end his life for reasons that never seemed obvious to anyone around him. I always thought he was a happy soul but never realized he had something that deep going on within. The repercussions on the family following the event were very deep. I happened to realize how important a person’s mental health is and was raged at the fact that there existed not many facilities in our country. These facilities were either not accessible to people who needed help or there existed no awareness about such facilities among the commoners. I had strongly decided that I would want to be in this field and thrive to help people who needed emotional and psychological support.
Since then I haven’t stopped myself from trying to acquire the best possible education that would mould me in becoming a competent practitioner. The past five years of my education have been dedicated for the same. These five years …show more content…

They have been the most rewarding two years of my academic life. I have had ample opportunities to put my abilities to test at the internship sites and gain practical knowledge. I was able to discover my limitations and push myself through them, to be able to deliver the best possible help to clients/ patients. The research opportunity I had during the program had put my scientific rigor to test. It was truly a thrilling and enriching experience. I believe that it is a psychologist’s ability to conduct research that sets them apart from other mental health professionals. This perfect marriage of practice and research is reflected in the scholar-practitioner model that your school follows and it gives me yet another reason to opt for your professional doctorate