
Public Breastfeeding Persuasive Essay

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When it comes today’s society deciding on what is acceptable and what is not, can open up the door for some controversial topics. Therefore, when it comes to public breastfeeding, why are so many people offended. Since the beginning of time women have been breastfeeding, even breastfeeding other women’s children. What is important to understand, is that breastfeeding is a very healthy and natural way to feed a baby. Even though womens breast is also considered sexual, it still does not mean that breast cannot be used for what God intended them for. There are so many point of views on why women should not publicly breastfeed; however, women should not be shammed for choosing to do so. Harassment on public breastfeeding is becoming more of an …show more content…

A mother from Moline Illinois, was told she could not publicly nurse her child at the pools YMCA. This took place during family swim time, when the mother was approached by the lifeguard and told she needed to go to a restroom to feed her baby. “You can’t do that here, but if you want to feed her you can go into the restroom over here and I will watch your kids for you.” (Huffington Post, 2013). It is very comprehensible why the lifeguard would be inclined to say something to this mother; however, she was not initiating any harm to him or …show more content…

“Throughout early human history, breastmilk was a baby’s only source of nourishment. If a woman could not breastfeed, she would sometimes turn to a wet nurse for help.” (breastfeeding, 2015). By the time the 1950s, rolled around, women where given the option to choose formula over breast feeding. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) by 2025, they want at least half of all infants’ nutrition in the first six months to come from breastmilk. (Breastfeeding, 2015). Education is the key to understanding the benefits of breastfeeding.
The Controversy of Public Breastfeeding We can argue that breastfeeding should be done in private, but breast being sexualized should be that way as well. Therefore, no one complains when breast is being used to promote advertisement. Public Breastfeeding

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