Public School Safety: Disputable Point In The United States

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Ariana Montoya
Ms. Thiel
AP English Language
09 April 2018
Public School Safety The issue of school safety has risen into a disputable point in the United States because of recent devastating acts that are becoming ever more common within society. In the light of these tragic events, it has become apparent that the number one priority is to demonstrate to the students, right from wrong. School violence is a tremendous problem targeting today's youth and primarily caused by bullying. These vicious acts of violence often lead many people to many solutions one of which is often gun control. Therefore, it is vital that we take the necessary steps so that every student is able to feel safe on campus, and we begin by being, kinder to one another …show more content…

At approximately 11:19 a.m., Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, both seniors had worn trench coats, then began shooting the students outside Columbine High School which resulted in the “taking the lives of 13 students including one teacher, leaving 21 injured.” (Natalie O’Neill). Columbine is viewed as the fourth deadliest school massacre ever. The shock of this tragedy still exists, and it no doubt still affects its victims. It was said that there was not one target, but rather everybody was a target on Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold's’ rampage through the high …show more content…

The students who are bullied have a tendency to have more prominent access to loaded firearms which leads them to danger of self-harm or harming those around them. Although some people are beyond help, reaching out and offering as much support as possible, could help ease their stress and anger. Having friendship and a proper support system could prove to be very effective, and the rate of school shootings could decrease. Being cast out can do critical harm to a developing mind, and because of this, it is important to be kind to one another and constantly better each other in any way. It does not take much to reach out and get people the help they need, but any warning signs should be pointed out in order to prevent any further danger to themselves or to the society we live in. Bullying can be prevented through friendship, emotional support, and

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