Public Services And Crime Essay

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Society and public services have an influence on the development of national crime, no matter what the crime is the public will find a way to show they need and demand more security and protection from public services. Policies are likely to change due to the influence of the public and public services, although the policy must go through the government and is seen to be designed to improve citizens, it can be beneficial on everyone and improve the quality of life. As described in the Collins dictionary public service can be health care, transport, removal of waste, not just those but anything that is organised by the government to benefit a particular society or community (Cobuild, Public service definition and meaning: Collins English …show more content…

Although there were 400 homes sadly destroyed, 40,000 homes and businesses were saved by the environment agency by building new flood defences and updating and maintaining the existing ones. Due to the current state of climate change storms and rainfall will only continue to get worse (Bevan, 2022). This just shows how the public's needs are important and by having a mass amount of help the agency feels almost pressured and obliged to fulfil all the public's needs to ensure their …show more content…

Although all of those are formed by the government some are not, communities have their own effective ways of preventing crime. People within communities talk to one another and have a strong bond, these relationships with a community can be beneficial in protecting people from crime an example of a common community organisation is neighbourhood

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