Public Welfare Should Be Abolished Essay

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Over the past two presidential terms, President Barack Obama has made the extension of public welfare a main goal of his presidency. It would appear more and more recipients of public welfare have voiced their opinions about how good welfare can be claiming that governmental funds are a right not a privilege. As a natural born citizen of the United States of America, I recognize that governmental welfare needs to be earned not received. I believe that governmental welfare should be abolished due to the facts that, the money could be of better use elsewhere, it would lessen our financial debt significantly, and because some citizens take advantage of the system.
The majority of the United States Congress does not detect the aid they are handing …show more content…

Hence, abolishing all forms of public welfare would lessen our financial debt significantly. Hence, abolishing all forms of public welfare would lessen our financial debt significantly. In fact, the governments debt is so high that it threatens to impede growth, possibly causing our children to be worse than previous generations; harm economic opportunities for Americans, causing more and more Americans to be put on social assistance than ever before; and could threaten the nation’s security, possibly causing another situation like 911. A huge amount of the national budget is spent on public welfare. Our government would be making money if public welfare was abolished and we would not be going deeper and deeper into debt. Our government would not have to worry about bankruptcy either. In fact, today’s entitlement programs including Medicare, Medicaid and social security are the largest line items in the budget. Together, they are larger than our military budget. Public welfare takes up a large amount of what America spends their money hard-earned money on. If all forms of public welfare were abolished the United States could rest easy knowing that the national debt would slowly