Qrb 501 Quiz

263 Words2 Pages
Various diseases affect mankind ranging from common cold to some rather serious ones.

Write the missing letters to complete the names of these diseases.
1. This disease spreads rapidly and sometimes causes a tumour.
_ A _ C _ _
2. People who suffer from it, become severely crippled, and sadly are outcast from the society. L _ P _ _ S _
3. This lung disease is highly infective and makes the patient very weak.
T _ B _ _ C _ L _ _ I _
4. A very dangerous condition in which the arm or the leg is affected and may need to be cut off to save the person’s life. _ A _ G _ _ N _
5. A brain infection in which the patient has severe headache and fever.
M _ _ _ N G _ _ _ _
6. This disease spread by blood transfusion and sexual contact is one of the