Qualitative Peer Review

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Qualitative Research Peer-Review on Exceptional Children Published by Shunta Hendricks Title: Co-Teaching in Inclusive Classrooms: Students who are gifted and possess a learning disabilities. Introduction: For teachers to be effective and consistent it is essential for them to recognize the fact that some exceptional children have learning disabilities as well. Legislation has promoted inclusive instructions as it pertains to the overall education curriculum through the implementation of co-teaching as a vehicle for fostering effective instruction in inclusive classrooms. Exceptional students are those who are gifted and are competent to achieve high levels of performance in addition to those who have learning disabilities (Brody, Mills). …show more content…

It includes selecting research participants corresponding to the needs of the study, providing the depth of information that is appropriate for detailed research. Comprising content like acceleration, enrichment, and individualized learning opportunities via independent study, mentorships, internships, and online courses (Periathiruvadi, Rinn). Data Collection Procedures Out of the 23 articles seven used the qualitative methods. Most of the research articles examined the technology use of gifted adolescent students. Data collected from online databases, which includes: ERIC, Education Research Complete, Academic Research Complete, and PsychArticles, employing the Boolean combination of keywords such as: computers, gifted, talented, and technology. Under the Pre-K–Grade 12 Gifted Education Programming Standards (NAGC, 2010) was used as the context to literature (Periathiruvadi, Rinn). Key Findings The overall results suggest that gifted students conveyed positive opinions about using technology for learning. Experimental research on technology has demonstrated the effectiveness of all students. (Olszewski-Kubilius & Lee, 2004; Wallace, 2009). Students of all ages appreciated the flexibility and online social interaction (Blaire, 2010). Exceptional children often find themselves trapped into two worlds, one is the student with outstanding abilities, and the other is the student that have a disability, resulting in them …show more content…

In addition to encouraging significant and comprehensive participation of individuals with exceptionalities. It is also imperative to use evidence of instructional data and research to professional knowledge to inform practice (Ethical Principles Practices Standards for Special Educators). Attention should be focused on developing students’ talent through strengthening his or her abilities by way of enrichment activities and always encourage them to be aware of their strengths and weakness (King). Limitation The limitations to the research resulted in the review not being sufficient when comparing the effectiveness of specific technology tools for gifted students at various stages. A portion of the limitation can be credited to the inadequacy of research studies and the limited spread of experimental studies (Periathiruvadi,