Qualitative Research Paper Sample

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Data and Sample The research is going to utilize secondary data. The data is to be collected from the 1998 Police Foundation survey of police officer’s performance in their line of duty (Weisburd et al., 2001). In this study, a sample of 925 police officers was used. It covered questions that related to a variety of issue in the police performance as well as the use of their authority. Four sections were included in this survey: the impact of community oriented policing, police information, officer’s response to the behavior of citizens as well as policing issues. This data is significant in the sense that it is the first to have been covered on the issues relating to this study. Furthermore, survey data are advantageous for this study since it’s hard …show more content…

Qualitative because the performance of police is an abstract and it measure can be subjective. The quantitative technique will be featured because the study will look at efficiency in service delivery for each department regarding the number of fulltime sworn police officers. Therefore, statistical analysis of the data collected by the Police Foundation will be done in this study. Simple linear regression of the OLS estimators will be performed. The use of simple linear regression is significant in getting the relationship between the performance of the police officers and their educational levels. The first dependent variable will be denoted by X1while the second dependent variable will be denoted by X2. The OLS estimators to be estimated in the study will be denoted by β0, β1, and β2. Where, β0 represents the slope estimator. It indicates the level of police performance regardless of their educational level. β1 represents the levels of changes in the performance of the police with the changes in the first dependent variable. Finally, β2 represents the changes in the dependent variable with a change in the second independent