Quality Improvement In Public Health Essay

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“Quality in public health is the degree to which policies, programs, services, and research for the population increase desired health outcomes and conditions in which the population can be healthy” ("Quality Improvement in Public Health: Lessons Learned from the Multi-State Learning Collaborative"). After the terrorist attack of 2011 and the events that followed put a spot light on the abandonment groundwork that was laid for public health. The major concepts within the article regarding quality improvement in public health are what ways can we implement QI to improve our healthcare. The three major initiatives for improving healthcare through quality improvement and what studies have been done to show the success of the use of QI to improve public health care. The three major initiatives for improving healthcare through QI are Public Health Quality Forum (PHQF), Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB), and Multi-State Learning Collaborative (MLC). PHQF is like the foundation it sets targets for QI. PHAB “supports the development …show more content…

The goals that were set to achieve in the Minnesota case study was “building the public health workforce’s capacity to use QI tools and methods, developing and testing a model for using QI to improve public health practice, and creating strong linkages between practice and academia” ("Quality Improvement in Public Health: Lessons Learned from the Multi-State Learning Collaborative"). Provided through half the states participation they were able to address eight areas to implement QI into. Seven of the eight areas had above 50% success rate. Through this study Minnesota was able to take what they have learned and share with other states on how to figure out their goals, how to set the pace and scope of learning to your audience, and how vital the setting up the framework