Quality Movers Case Study

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Paku is an American of Indonesian ancestry. Paku saw an ad in the local newspaper at Quality Movers as a mover. Quality Movers is a family business run by Frank, his son Randy and their wives who staff the office. To work for Quality Movers, a person must have moving experience and a combination of experience and education, and a type D driver’s license is required. Paku decided to apply; he felt that he was well suited for the position because he had the qualifications listed above. With his background in martial arts, Paku considered himself to be strong and a qualified candidate for Quality Movers. However, when Paku applies for the job at Quality; the company informed him that he is too short, all employees who work there must be at least 5’7” and he is 5’4.” Recently, Quality Movers employ six other movers; however, Paku noticed the movers are the same ethnic background, no diversity or inclusion. Paku would have to decide whether he wants …show more content…

Quality Movers cannot conclude if Paku height and ethnic background would hinder him from performing the job. Quality Movers showed a disparate impact against Paku. In the case of Griggs v. Duke Power Co. demonstrated disparate impact. “In Griggs, the employer required a high school diploma and a passing score on two professional developed test” (Disparate Impact, 2016). “Although the company had failed to prove that his employer had a discriminatory motive, the Supreme Court reversed the decision” (Disparate Impact, 2016). “The employer’s workforce did not reflect the racial, ethnic, or gender percentage of the population the area does not prove disparate impact” (Disparate Impact, 2016). To prove a claim of disparate impact, “the employee must show that an employment practice does not select members of a protected class in a proportion smaller than their percentage in the pool of actual applicants” (Disparate Impact,