
Queen Of Heaven Research Paper

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Throughout my years here at Queen of Heaven I learned what it really means to be a christian. I learned to be thankful and appreciate everything that God gave me. Jesus sacrificed everything to save us, we should be grateful and help spread the message of God. By going to a catholic school I learned to put God first before everything else. I realized I have to trust God and believe he will lead me in the right direction. I am so grateful I got the chance to spend my years here at Queen of Heaven learning about God. Many people do not get the opportunity to have a Catholic education, so I was very blessed to be able to grow in a Catholic environment. I cannot wait to continue my journey at a Catholic high school and learn more about how to live …show more content…

So when I heard that my best friend, carlie rambino had it, I was so upset. I was affected deeply by this and did not understand why or how this could happen to the sweetest most caring girl I ever meant. She always thought about others before herself and was so thankful for everything God had gave her. For a second I lost my faith, which I should have never done. It was just hard to understand how God could just let someone suffer like that. I missed her in school and didn’t know what to do without her. I realized that it also will be our last year together and I just wanted her as long as I could have her. But, shortly after I realized you got to always pray whenever you need someone. God is always listening and with you even though we might not always realize it. I was beyond happy that she was okay and would be free of cancer soon. The most important thing I learned is to never lose your faith. No matter where I end up to know that God is with me helping me through everything. That through your life you're going to reach moments when you need God and he can only help you. I felt even closer to God when I received my hope ridden, on ridden day. This was my last moment before graduation with my classmates and we really bonded. This was so important because it resembles growth throughout my years at Queen of Heaven. You have to give back to God and help out around your community. I am happy I have a teacher that makes me do community service because I love the smile you get back by helping someone. Whenever I had hours to do, I would always try to stay an extra hour, just to be helpful. I feel I am a good Christian example by helping my community and elders. I will continue to help out my community as I go into highschool and then adulthood, I feel it is very important to give

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