
Queer Argument Essay

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Prejudice against homosexuality is known as homophobia and can present itself in every aspect of a person’s life. Homophobia can be compared to forms of racism or other hate crimes that are being committed (Schaefer, 2015). The homosexual community has come together as a united front and created the term LGBTQ, which stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (Schaefer, 2015). There are opposing views on the rights of the LGTBQ community stating that the LGTBQ community has the same rights as all other Americans. The word queer has been used as a label for the LGBTQ community. Queer is defined as worthless, odd, and questionable by the Merriam-Webster dictionary (“Definition of QUEER,” 2017). I think that the work queer has mostly been used in a way to be offensive. This word is commonly used by aggressors in bullying situations and used to be hurtful toward someone who is not part of the LGTBQ community. Personally, I have seen decline in the use of this word over the last 10 years, but in high school this word was used with intentions to be hurtful to the people it was …show more content…

People have been openly against the LGTBQ community because of many different reasons. The one big reason is based on religion and believing that homosexuality is not an allowed practice (Sexual Orientation and Human Rights, 2003). Those that strongly or openly oppose of this community end up committing prejudice acts against this community whether in the work place or in different environments (Sexual Orientation and Human Rights, 2003) Recently, many states were openly against any type of same sex marriages, which is a prejudice standpoint solely based on a person’s sexual preference (Koukl, 2013). People from the LGTBQ community see the fight for the same rights as heterosexual people as a right for approval from society and not a fight about rights (Koukl,

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