Women's Rights In The 1920s

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In 1920, women gained equal rights after a lot of protesting; 95 years later, same-sex marriage became legal in a fairly similar manner. Just like women, gays still do not have the same equality as the rest of society. After 95 years some women still receive less of a pay then men with the same position or title , and women still are belittled with derogatory sayings quotes and comments such as “women can’t drive.” Although the fight for equal women’s right will still live on until everything is equal, the comments will most likely will never stop. Gays as well are not fully accepted. They are judged on a daily basis. “God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve” say the people who do not accept the new law. The United States Supreme Court ruled same-sex marriage legal and society still cannot accept the change, women’s rights still aren’t even accepted. …show more content…

From the necklace the first gay man grasped the nick name “Necklace Man.” This could be a sack of bullshit, but the point is that gays have been around forever. It just so happened that women fought for their rights first, because the events that pushed women occurred first. Gays weren’t sure what gay was in the 20’s when women fought for their rights, they just thought they were different and didn’t like what everyone else liked. From history class, most of us know the fight women went through for their “rights”, but what changed to make same-sex marriage