
Quotes From 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'

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Dear Person, 4.25.23

“The course of true love never did run smooth” (A Midsummer Night’s Dream 1.1).
This is a quote from the famous William Shakespeare play titled A Midsummer Night’s Dream, where Lysander consoles Hermia about the terrifying fate that they face if they decide to marry. This play is very ravishing, and I have adored reading it. I would rate this play an 8/10 because I truly believe that amidst the randomness and difficult language, it conveyed themes that require a bit of digging to find, as well as several stories of love formed from abuse, neglect, fondness, and resentment. It also has a first-person POV, because each part is spoken in first-person, but it also switches between the …show more content…

It’s quite easy to tell that Helena and Demetrius didn’t have a good relationship at all, especially because of the constant threats that Demetrius would throw her way and the submissive behavior that Helena portrayed. For example, one quote from Helena was, “What worser place can I beg in your love,--/And yet a place of high respect with me,--/Than to be used as you use your dog?” (A Midsummer Night’s Dream 2.1). In this line, Helena is explaining to Demetrius that she will allow him to treat her as a dog for his love. Even though it may be quite humorous, it's still embarrassing... Another instance of their extremely toxic relationship is from Demetrius, as he treats her like she’s nothing. For example, he says “To trust the opportunity of night/And the ill counsel of a desert place/With the rich worth of your virginity” (A Midsummer Night’s Dream 2.1). In this quote, Demetrius is telling Helena that he will rape her in the woods and take her virginity if she continues to follow him. Strangely, Puck chose to support a relationship like this, which is weird because of how toxic it is. It’s quite upsetting to see them get together and marry because they were so awful together. But then again, it proved that character development works in mysterious ways because Helena did improve her attitude by the end of the story, and thankfully gained some more common

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