
RADAR Impact On Science

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One way RADAR has been impactful through its impacts on science. For instance, "...Scottish physicist and meteorologist Sir Robert Alexander Watson-Watt ...successfully used short-wave radio transmissions to detect the direction of approaching thunderstorms"(science and its times). This paved the way for new advancements in RADAR. Watson soon began helping with wars. He also had other advancements that made RADAR able to go even further than it had before. This paved the way for more scientist to come and improve what Watson had originally begun. Another example is, "... Modern RADARs can tell not only where an object is but what direction it is moving in and how quickly."(encyclopedia of espionage). This is another example of how Watson has opened a gateway for others to explore because without this no one would have ever known about RADAR. While this is a very good example there is more to come. …show more content…

For example," ...Walter McAfee..., an American scientist was able to determine the strength of a radar signal that would reflect from the Moon and still be strong enough to detect with earthbound equipment" (Radar mapping). McAfee was taking the first steps of radio technology. This was a successful theory, this started the era of radio astronomy. It has since been used to map portions of the moon, detect meteor trail, etc. After the initial discoveries, radar mapping started fading into the background, but it has made the beginning of a comeback. Such as, " … the triumphant Magellan mission and several exceptionally successful terrestrial mapping satellite missions" (Radar mapping). Even Though radar mapping was beginning to decline, it quickly rose back up to the top. Many scientists still use radar mapping and are making more and more discoveries every day. While this was another good example, the best is yet to

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