Rabbit Hole By Becca And Greek's Role In The Play

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The Rabbit Hole

In the play Rabbit Hole, Becca and Izzy play the role of sisters in this book. The book is about a family grieving over the loss of Danny, a four year old boy who was the son of Becca and Howie. Danny died in a terrible accident, in which he was hit by a car, driven by Jason Willette, a teenager in his senior year of high school. Jason had been driving his vehicle down the road when Taz (the family dog) ran into the road and Jason swerved trying to avoid hitting the dog when he hit Danny instead.
Becca has a sister named Izzy who recently got pregnant by her boyfriend. Becca does not approve because she doesn’t think Izzy is ready for a pregnancy. But Izzy thinks it’ll help her mature and become a responsible person. Their mother Nat can sometimes be very annoying about their brother who died. Nat seems to compare him to Danny a lot which makes Becca mad, because she doesn’t like the fact that her brother was a drug addict while Danny was just an innocent 4 year old boy. …show more content…

She has a therapy meeting with other people about dealing with problems of their own, except Becca doesn’t like it because she feels like everyone says the same thing and that they know what she’s going through. When Becca feels like they don’t know what she’s going through at all and that it all feels like some sort of routine. Nat her mother, insists that she goes to the therapy meetings because she believes it will help her get passed this tragedy since it helped her get through the death of her son,