Racial Profiling And Discrimination Essay

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Racial Profiling and Discrimination occurs every day in people lives, especially when law enforcement and private security target particularly people of color, making them feel mortify and often making them feel frightened.
Racial Profiling by law enforcement is commonly define as a method that targets people for suspicion of crime based on their race, ethnicity, religion or national origin. However, the main focus here is the racial profiling of African American men. African American men continued to be seen as gangster, thugs and murderers. While people of color make up around 30% of the United States’ population, they account for 60% of those imprisoned (American Progress).
Black males are more likely to face harsh punishment and discipline in public schools than other race. 35% of black male are suspended at least once from school and 46% of those are suspended more than once from school a year, according to the Civil Right Date Collection (The New York Times). According to recent data by the Department of Education, African American …show more content…

Education of Officer is something that the youth will benefit from the most. If we take the time to educate our youth on the consequences of their action more likely they will change their behaviors. Officer would come in and teach the youth on the importance of society and how people are treated differently, teaching them that people don’t base their judgement off of character but the content of others skin. Schools can get involved by making this a required class to attend which will make it easier for every student, no matter the race, to get educated on the problem. Although this might be a very expensive project out of the district pocket, the youth will benefit from it tremendously, which will lead to a better outcome in the community and