Racial Profiling: Dear Martin By Nic Stone

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Broderick Shaffer Ms. Herman Littie Comp 10 26 May 2024 Racial Profiling Argumentative Essay 54% of traffic stops on black people are unprompted, and 25% of them lead to violence, America has a problem with racial profiling. This problem is well documented as in the book Dear Martin by Nic Stone and other books and various studies. This problem of racial profiling is prominently shown with police, traffic stops, police brutality, etc. There are multiple examples of it going very wrong in the real world and in the media. Dear Martin is a great example of racial profiling and tells a realistic story about racial profiling in the United States of America. The very start of Dear Martin introduces the concept of racial profiling in the book, “Tavarrius …show more content…

There are examples of racial profiling from as far back as the start of our country. Sadly, it is a problem ingrained in America that needs to be handled. Some people choose to believe that people like George Floyd, Trayvon Martin, etc. were in the wrong and deserved what happened under the assumption that if someone was willing to act on what they did, they probably did do something. This is easily disproven, even if they did do it. For example, let's say George Floyd was on some sort of substance that day, does that give the police the right to end his life? I don't think so, but I think so. The court is in this country for a reason, so we don't become tyrannical, unlike the police who are overly aggressive, trigger-happy, and make assumptions based on race. As for Trayvon Martin, it is 100% proven he was just walking home and was shot for absolutely no reason other than being black with a hoodie on at night. Racial profiling is a serious problem that affects the minorities of our country in a major way that is not good. Whether it be by fellow citizens in the Trayvon Martin case or the police in George Floyds Case, it is always