Racial Profiling And Police Brutality Essay

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The problem with racial profiling and police brutality is that it is a major human rights violation. To make assumptions based off of someone skin color or religion is not ethically right. People would not even blink an eye or raise a question if they saw a white man running down the street. If it were to be a black man running down the street people would be wondering what happened and would be calling the police. No one wants to live in a world where they feel like they do not belong or that their every move is going to be watched. Racial profiling has been around for years! Some may say it has gotten better since slavery ended in 1865 and segregation in the 1950s, but no it is still around but with a different twist to it. (Racial Profiling) Police brutality has not always been issue. In fact being a police office use to be a voluntary act. Becoming a police officer did not become a full time paying job until 1845. The first police department started in New York City and then slowly moved into bigger cities. (Police History) As for the fact of when police brutality started it was around the 1960s when the Civil Rights movement was going on. Civilians walking hand and hand peacefully trying to fight for their rights were pepper sprayed, beaten, and dogs were unleashed on them. Those civilians were not doing anything. They were trying to fight for their basic human rights in a peaceful nonviolent way. …show more content…

Rodney King was involved in a high-speed chase with the police. Once the police pulled him out of the car they continued to beat him and hit him fifty six times with a police baton. The police also used their Taser on him multiple times. Even though a man named George Holiday caught the beating on his camera. The four officers were found not guilty. This caused an outrage of riots and outcry to stop police brutality and