Racism And Stereotyping Essay

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Anorexic, fat, gay, are all things that we have have said to someone. If we have not said we know someone who has. These names could really hurt someone. The people who bully, or tease might not know that, but words hurt. Racism and stereotyping can cause many problems, learning what it is, how people feel, why people do it, and reducing the problem, are all things involved in racism and stereotyping. Racism just doesn’t happen in public places such as Wal-mart, it also happens in schools, by the teachers.“The "black-escalation effect." The researchers argue in their paper that when a student has multiple infractions, negative racial stereotypes are more likely to kick in” (When 'Deshawn' And 'Greg' Act Out In Class, Guess Who Gets Branded A Troublemaker: par. 7). The people that are supposed to be not bias, and helpful. Stereotyping does not just happen to people of different ethnic groups. It happens to everyone around us. We might not know it but it does. There are certain things that happen to only certain people. “The Arab …will likely know the embarrassment of …show more content…

Think how will this make them feel good, or feel bad about themselves. People think that the problem of teachers discriminating against students should be brought to attention. Some think that it should be part of the time they spend before they become a teacher. “These findings must be brought into teacher training and professional development sessions” (When ‘Deshawn and ‘Greg’ Act Out In Class, Who gets Branded A Troublemaker: par. 13). With the results of choosing students who sound African-American just by there name, people hope that if the world knows about it, it will be the first step in improving the problem. “They hope their findings will encourage the development of new psychological interventions to mitigate the problem” (When ‘Deshawn and ‘Greg’ Act Out In Class, Who gets Branded A Troublemaker: par.

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