Racism In Antebellum America

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In retrospect, the history of the antebellum America is quite fascinating. During this period, the young republic faced several challenges. One of the most serious ones was the slavery issue. Reading the related materials, people might understand that the Founding Fathers had actually pondered about the solution to the issue; however, they did not pursue it because they foresaw possible turmoil in American politics. Unfortunately, the issue kept simmering until it reached the boiling point which resulted in the disastrous Civil War. It is also interesting to read how the anti-and pro slavery camps argued for their beliefs, how politicians abandoned their old parties and formed the new ones based on their common beliefs or interests and how they fought for their political gains. The period of the antebellum America presents such a tumultuous one, yet it shows how the young republic struggled to find a path to a better union among those hungry for power and wealth. Above all, it does require wisdom, vision, courage, determination and political maneuvers …show more content…

Although Manifest Destiny has formed a theoretic and moral foundation of the U.S. expansionism since its founding era, it is also a partial origin of racism in the United States. Being a Christian nation, the United States has inherited the ideology that promoted the Anglo-Saxonism and racial superiority as well. Someone might argue that the Americans do not talk about the concept of manifest destiny any more. However, it has become DNA of the Americans. It is in their consciousness and hard to notice, yet it does exist. Even the African Americans, being victims of racism, have inherited from the American culture and hold racism against the Asians. With all the reflection on the materials, I feel quite happy to find the answers to my puzzled question and not to be a believer in such an