Radical Communitarianism: Post-Traditional Conception Of A Radical Community

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Community Communitarianism. The assumption of communitarianism is that political community must rest on a prior cultural community and that minorities and incoming groups to the polity must adapt to this cultural community. This is precisely what radical pluralist rejects. Radical pluralism argued for group- differentiated understanding of community, which is never holistic, and nevertheless gives thought to conflicts within the community and society. Liberal communitarianism is concerned only with the level of state recognition that lies emphasis on equal dignity of all citizens with respect to their rights and moral worth. The point about community is not its ability to overcome conflicts but to promote values of trust, attachment, commitment …show more content…

This is because community is portrayed to be seen as homogeneous when in fact the reality of community is overlapping membership and multiplicity of identities and allegiances. Postmodern multiculturalism, importantly, it is conception of multiculturalism that recognizes the pluralization of all group identities; differences within ethnic groups are emphasized. This perspective highlights the conflict of collective rights for groups and individual rights; emphasis is less on multiculturalism in the sense of cultures in the plural than of the pluralization of culture. Radical multiculturalism emphasize that the state must empower the disadvantaged groups by actively granting them recognition against the dominant group. Reason is that main issues are framed in the language of race than in the language of ethnicity. Liberal pluralist multiculturalism emphasize on co-operation and peaceful co-existence rather than formal policy of containment that official recognize diversity but its measures stop short of positive programs to empower …show more content…

Neoliberalism focuses more on the individuals and contracts between them instead of the community while communitarianism focuses on the community and culture. Neoliberal communitarianism is a form of government that governs both community and individual responsibility by sharing and supporting the core values as guiding principles as well actively formulating social contracts that describes and prescribes the duties, responsibility and moral capacities of potential citizens, communities, and the state. The emphasis on the need to earn citizenship as increased communitarian of the nation’s response to immigration. Individual responsibility to earn their rights, obligations and the appending benefits. In the UK, civic integration is conceptualized as an earned citizenship that is part of the agreement with the state while the Netherlands and France employs more strict immigration regime with culturally exclusive