
Raising Minimum Wage Essay

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As the time goes by, we realize that raising the minimum wage is a constant issue many people are struggling with. There are several groups around that are trying to organize a way in which people will get a higher pay. But would it be really beneficial for general minimum wage to increase? In most cases, the places in which they want to raise minimum are mostly in fast food restaurants. In addition to these types of jobs, typically are people who do not have an education, higher than High School, or who are working at a young age. In general minimum wage should not be raised, since are other factors that minimum wage to not be increased. To begin with, if the federal minimum wage were to increase, we would have to declare that the financial ability to buy products and services would be decreasing and the value of the dollar would increase. This also means that the standard of living would increase drastically, since the imposed taxes …show more content…

Most of the time young adults are most likely working and studying at the same time. Most of the time students have to work in other jobs that are not related to their major. After students are prepared would hopefully work in their dreamed jobs, and would no longer be working in a job that they would not be paid a wage that is considered minimum wage. In the article 5 Facts about Minimum Wage, Drew Desilver, claims the following, “Nearly half (48.2%) of the 3 million hourly workers who were at or below the federal minimum in 2014 were ages 16 to 24.” This quote demonstrates how the almost half of the people working at minimum wage are typically young adult. Therefore there is no need to increase minimum wage, since they would not be working at that location for a long time. Therefore I do not see the need for the federal minimum wage to be increased, if they are not going to be working at the payment for a longer

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