
Persuasive Essay On Minimum Wage

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“No person can maximize the American Dream on the minimum wage.”- Benjamin Todd Jealous. Minimum wage needs to rise. People cannot live on the federal wage of $7.25. I think minimum wage should increase because it’ll help people dig out of poverty, help themselves and their families, and make a better living for them. Poverty today in the U.S. is very common; millions are in hardship. 44.7 million citizens were very poor in 2014. No money earned means no food to buy. 1 in 6 people face hunger. In this country, hunger isn’t from lack of food, but from the continuation of poverty. Homelessness is a result of no money as well. In January of 2013, 610,042 people were homeless on a given night. More than two-thirds of those people were twenty-five years and up. To continue, families and youth can easily be affected by minimum wage. This is definitely true for single parents with children. Without financial help, single parents with two children would only make about $20,000 a year on minimum wage. The poverty line for a three-person household is $22,760. Teens and young adults could be with no money and/or homeless for many reasons. Their families could’ve kicked them out of their own home because the families couldn’t afford to take …show more content…

Restaurants can certainly afford that. Restaurants have had a positive job growth in San Francisco in 2015. This is due to the gradual escalation of the minimum salary. Moreover, it won’t only benefit teens, but adults as well. Eighty-nine percent of people that would benefit from it are age twenty and over. Fifty-six percent of them are women. Even though some states already have a higher minimum wage, increasing the federal one will help thirty-eight million low-wage workers. Although some might say that increasing minimum salary might make products more expensive, it would really help the economy. People will earn more money, thus leading to more

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