Raising The Minimum Wage Essay

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There are people in the world that do not have a high enough income to support themselves or their family, even when they work everyday. The minimum wage has not been high enough for low-paid workers to live off of. For the longest of times, the citizens of the United States have been debating if we should be raising the minimum wage, making the minimum wage stay the same, or just get rid of the minimum wage all around. People are saying if we raise the minimum wage, the low-paid workers that live under poverty, would be able to support themselves or their family, if they had one. Then there are people are saying if we lowered the minimum wage, there would be more jobs for people that do not have a job. There is the also people that say that …show more content…

The opponents that are against on raising the minimum wage say that it would have a negative impact in the long-term according to The Economist. If we raise the minimum wages, it would cost the businesses more to pay for the wages. They say that raising the minimum wage would only make the value slowly go down because of inflation. Low-paid workers could lose their jobs if the businesses raised the minimum wage. According to Drew Desilver from The Pew Research Center, the Congressional Budget Office projects are raising the minimum wage from seven dollars and twenty five cents to ten dollars and ten cents by 2016, it would raise incomes for about 16.5 million low-wage workers but would put five hundred thousand workers there jobs. For example, if a restaurant had to raise the minimum wages for their workers, they would have to raise the prices for the foods and drinks, putting off customers and even laying off workers because it would cost them too much from their profits. Supermarkets have already have replaced till operators for checkout machines. There are already seventy four million people in 2016 that don’t have jobs according to the Department of Numbers and if the United States government raised the minimum wage from its regular amount right now, more people would lose their

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