
Raising The Minimum Wage Essay

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As a country, we’re facing an epidemic where finding steady employment is hard and the cost of living is high. This has caused many people to work a minimum wage job and struggle with paying rent and etc. A solution proposed to solve this problem would be to raise the minimum wage to something that a person could survive off of. However, this controversy has caused a debate between people who are split on the issue. There are people who are for it and people who are against it. Either way, both sides are passionate about this matter leaving congress in a tough spot to make a decision that will anger a lot of people regardless. Raising the minimum wage would be an amazing feat that benefits society as a whole. One might ask why, well because …show more content…

Yes we would have to spend money to increase the minimum wage but you could look at is as a long term investment because the payoff will be worth in the end. The government puts a lot of money towards the funding of public assistance programs but if less people were enrolled into these programs because they could afford to buy food then that funding could go elsewhere. The government doesn’t want people to live off the system but some have no other choice because their living situation is so bad that whatever help they can get is much needed in their household. If most people were able to make more money, then all of this stuff can be avoided in the first place if the government is willing to put the time and effort to pass a law regarding the minimum wage. And they also have to understand that many people don’t like getting help from the government because they’re ashamed and it’s a thing of pride for a man to work hard in order to support his wife and children. Some people don’t want things to be handed out to them and they would much rather work for them instead. Buf if they’re making $7.25 an hour, that’s kind of impossible because they wouldn’t be able to pay their rent without going

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