Ranking Factor Analysis Paper

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Google makes use of over 200 factors in their algorithm to rank web pages on the search result. These ranking factors are what will determine if your web pages will be found on the search result pages when a search is made on Google using your choice of keyword. It's important you are familiar with the Google ranking factors to ensure your web pages are in accordance with the Google's best optimization practices.

It can be time consuming and stressful optimizing your page with the over 200 Google's ranking factors so the below list are among the most important factors to get you started. You can improve the performance of your page using these lists which will in return increase your page rank on Google.

1. Quality Content

For your web page …show more content…

Panda is a special filter designed to specifically scan your website for some factors which Google assume are to be found on a high quality website. You should ensure that your website content satisfy users curiosity.

2. Content Length

This is another factor Google uses to rank a web page. What really is the optimal length for a blog post? 1600 words seem to be the best range to start because it makes readers to spend quality time reading your content. A study performed by Medium in December 2013 suggests that a 7 minutes post which is approximately 1600 words get the most attention and keep readers engaged. Content that has more length is more likely to provide what users are searching than shorter one. That shows that basic information doesn't work anymore but deep writing content that cover wide area of topic.

3. Keywords

Google tends to put more weight on web page that has normal use of keywords. According to the Google ranking factors news update, keyword have to be in the title tag, meta description, H1, and should appear most frequently than any other words on the …show more content…

Page Loading Speed

Search engines uses site loading speed to give relevance to a website. On April 2010, Google Webmaster Central Blog, includes website speed as a new signal in their search ranking algorithms. A website speed shows how fast a website answers to web requests. Having a website that loads fast will help your website in gaining and maintaining traffic. No visitor will like to stay o site that loads slowly. In order to provide user experience, Google rank website that loads faster than the one that load slow.

6. Duplicate Content

Having identical content on a website can hurt your ranking. When Google see two sites with duplicate content, it will only display one page and hide the other. Duplicate content prevent your website from ranking well and is a big hindrance to your site performance. Stay away from duplicate content and concentrate on original content.

7. Backlink Quality

Having too many high quality backlink will greatly improve your ranking signals while low quality backlinks will hurt your web page rank. Ensure you are aiming for backlinks that will increase your rank on the search results. You should consider the linking domain age and referring domains when hunting for backlinks.

8. Internal