Rationale For Lord Of The Flies Essay

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Rationale This work is based on the literary novel “Lord of the flies” written by William Golding in 1945 in which I am going to develop an interview from Simon to Lord of the flies in chapter 9 when they were talking alone. In this way, I am going to show a kind of prophecy about Simon’s destiny and his last mistake before his dead and everything about the future of the tribes divided by the leaders Ralph and Jack. I got the inspiration for this project from how the author gave the reader the symbolic aspects and meaning even when they were not showed in the text which between lines has more to say than the written novel itself. I am going to write an interview taking Simon as the interviewer and Lord of the flies as the interviewee because in this way I will be able to represent through the prophecy the future events of the novel without changing the story. Number …show more content…

Surprisingly it talked to me and I had to take advantage of the situation even when my skepticism tried to convince me to ignore it, but my curiosity was bigger and brought me to hear its witness and there are some phrases that it told me. Simon: Lord of the flies now that I see you can speak… Please tell me, what do you think about the tribes we have created? Lord of the flies: Ying and yang, Simon. While Ralph tried to do his best to maintain the group conjoined the typhon of Jack was devastating everything in the island, the separation of the original tribe, some lives including mine, the freedom of your partners. Neither the death nor the torture would be enough punishment for this person. Simon: You have all the reason but recently the tribes have been scared for the supposed beasts that they convincedly mean to be seen around the island, but I think the beast from water is not real and the beast from air either. I’d like to know if there are more “beasts” in which we must