Often called the fight or flight reflex, stress has been known to save people’s lives, whether it be on a battlefield or some dangerous situation back home. Too much stress ultimately leads to health problems, but too little stress isn’t good for us either. When we go too long without a sharp stimulating response, the body loses its ability to handle stress properly (Tom Scheve, 2009). Somewhere between too much, and too little stress can actually be good for you, helping you perform under pressure. It is when someone cannot turn off that fight or flight feeling that it begins to show its negative effects.
Lesson Plan Teacher Name: Lucero Fuentes Subject Area: Health Grade Level: 9th -11th Standards Met: 1.12.1: Predict how healthy behaviors can affect health status. 1.12.5 : Propose ways to reduce or prevent injuries and health problems.
Timothy Baghurst writes about “An Examination of Stress in College Students Over the Course of a Semester.” Moreover, having stress as a college student is unavoidable, due to beginning of taking on adulthood and being self-sufficed, plays a role to where college students stress roots from. In this specific study of trying to determine if altering stress levels of male and female college students varied using different processes of reducing stress from the beginning to the end of a semester. Testing participants in a course of a 16-week semester and the overall components, anticipated stress, test anxiety and personal exhaustion when affected by mental-behavioral stress management, cardiovascular fitness, generalized physical activity or a
Often, these high levels of stress can lead to academic failure (Kim, Oliveri, Riingin, Taylor, & Rankin, 2013). Stress can be defined from
Stress is an internal response to external factors. Any event that causes us to react either physically, emotionally, or mentally is considered stress. Stress events may be pleasant, unpleasant, mild, or intense. The word stress comes from a Latin term meaning “strain, pressure, or force”. In general, EMS encounters
Stress is something we all go through and over time our stress beings to build up. Many believe that stress starts to impact one 's life by the time they start middle school or the beginning of their teenage years. The transition from elementary to middle school into high school can be very intense. Students become highly influenced by their surroundings which makes them susceptible to descended into unhealthy coping mechanisms. At this point in time their lives are shifting dramatically, they will be encountering many different people.
All that we do, we are bound to encounter stress. Stress can be defined as a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. Whenever one is facing difficulty ,suffering anxiety, or feeling worried,stress will immediately take over. Stress has been, and will remain to be, a natural part of our daily routine. This causes many to underestimate its overall effects.
Stress is a natural human response that prompts us to address problems and situations. When under stress, your hormones are released and your body goes into a fight or flight response. You begin to sweat more, your heart rate and blood pressure increase, and your muscles tense. This is why stress is so detrimental to our health. Especially for African Americans, who are already at high risk for high blood pressure given that it's part of genetics.
Specific purpose: To inform my audience the physical, mental, and emotional effects of stress. Central Idea: Stress effects people physically, mentally, and emotionally. Introduction I. Imagine being so stressed that it affected you emotionally, physically, and mentally. II.
Stress and Child Development Stress is referred to as any uncomfortable emotional experience which is followed by predictable biochemical, physiological and behavioral changes (Baum, 1990). Factors that cause stress, otherwise known as stressors, stem from problems found in life, work, etc. Stress is a response that is caused by a demand. There are those who believe that stress is introduced in adulthood, especially the younger generation that makes the decision to venture off on their own by leaving the comfort of home and the care of parents.
No one can deny that stress can be caused by many reasons. For instance, you may not like your job, money matters, quarrel with your boy or girl friend, stress is something that you cannot avoid. Generally, stress attacks when you start thinking that you are the victim of circumstances or most importantly when you feel that a situation, things, or work will not be solved by you, that’s when you place yourself under stress. However, fortunately stress has a solution within the world and their easy ways to reduce stress in your life.
Stress involves interaction of the person and environment. To quote a definition: “Stress is an adaptive response to an external situation that results in physical, psychological and / or behavioural deviations for organizational participants” (Luthans, 1998). Stress has generally been viewed as a set of neurological and physiological reactions that serves an adaptive function (Franken, 1994). Traditionally, stress research has been oriented toward studies involving the body's reaction to stress and the cognitive processes that influence the perception of stress. However, social perspectives of the stress response have noted that different people experiencing similar life conditions are not necessarily affected in the same manner (Pearlin, 1982).
Overall stress can make you an irritating or mean person to be around and this can affect students social lives in a negative
3. Review of literature 3.1 Stress and its types: Stress is an essential mediator of human behaviour. Immediate physiological response to any type of stressor facilitates survival of the species at its maximum. Despite of normal homeostatic regulatory mechanism, the stress responses can become maladaptive. Chronic stress, for example immobilization, exposure to noise, irradiations, psychological stress can leads to a host of adverse health consequences, including cardiovascular diseases, neurodegeneration, obesity, depression and early ageing (McEwen et al, 2004).
INTRODUCTION Stress is a word derived from Latin word “Stingere” meaning to draw tight. (Mojoyinola, 2008) Stress is your body’s way of responding to any kind of demand or threat. When you feel threatened, your nervous system responds by releasing a flood of stress hormones, and including adrenaline and cortisol, which rouse the body for emergency action. Your heart pounds faster, muscles tighten, blood pressure rises, breath quickens, and your senses become sharper. These physical changes increase your strength and stamina, speed your reaction time, and enhance your focus.