
Reading Response Essay 'If They' D Only Do Their Work !

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Reading Response - If They'd Only Do Their Work!

The article started of with statistics saying that “an e estimated 40 percent of urban students fail multiple classes in 9th grade, and in many cities 50 percent or more leave school without graduating.” Working in urban education is challenging for teachers but yet there are some urban schools that send “more than 90 percent of their students” to college. One of the biggest impact that may result in students failing a class is homework completion. Students failed to do homework assignments for numerous reasons such as not having the time, do not understand the materials, etc. This is an ongoing problem at my school. Homework assignments are 15% of their grade. When students do not complete their homework assignments it trickles down to them most likely fail the assessment. …show more content…

These struggling students already know what failure is like and thus may have that “I don’t care attitude.” As teachers, when assignment homework, these assignments need to be meaningful. Do not assign homework just for the case of assigning homework. As the article mentioned, answer the following questions when assigning homework:
- What is our purpose in giving a particular assignment?
- Are we providing students with adequate support in completing it?
- Does it make sense?
- Is it necessary?
- Is it useful, given the circumstances under which it is carried out at home?

If you cannot answer these questions, then it I likely our struggling students will not be able to complete the assignment as well.

I agree with Sylvia Rabiner from Landmark High School when she suggested that teachers need to make sure when we are assigning homework that:
1. The directions are clear
2. It is doable without assistance
3. It is related to the lesson
4. It will be reviewed or collected with

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