Realism Vs Conservatism

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They say that opposites attract and although it might be true for some things, when it comes to politics, that theory does not exist. Just like there is always going to be two sides to a story, there are two sides on the political spectrum. The American political arena has for decades been divided into two ideas: the liberals and the conservatives. The word liberal is derived from the Latin word "liber" meaning free. Liberals are described as the “left-wing federalists” known as democrats that believe in free and fair elections, human rights, capitalism, free trade among nations, separation of church and state, and spread of civil rights and civil to name a few. In other words, if you are a liberal, you are more tolerant and open to change …show more content…

Liberalism is divided into many different forms and variations with social, classical, economic, conservative, and neoliberalism. Locke’s political philosophy of liberalism were ideas founded on equality, human rights, freedom, preserving the natural rights to life, liberty, and property. He believed that all citizens had the right to be protected under the government. In contrast to liberalism, on the other end of the spectrum, there is what is known as conservatism. Conservatives are the “right wing anti-federalists” known as republicans that believe in limited government, a strong national defense, reducing spending and cutting budget, and free-market economics. Conservatives prefer to individually solve their issues privately or through markets rather than having the government intervene. Conservatives are not really open to change rather they are branded as “old fashion” wanting to protect the traditional American values persevered in the U.S. Constitution. This paper is going to compare and contrast the liberal and conservative ideologies in the context of the, political, economic and social …show more content…

Liberals believe that all Americans are equal regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientations. They are in support of gay rights and believe that denying same sex couples their right to marry negates them of their civil rights. Conservatives oppose same sex marriages and believe in traditional marriage, meaning marriage should be between only a man and woman. They believe that allowing same sex couples to marry violates the moral and religious beliefs in the different religions like Christianity, Judaism, and Islam who believe in traditional marriage. Based on the beliefs of the liberals, the subject of abortion is a personal choice decided by the women and not the government’s business. Liberals are in support of the woman to decide the fate of her baby a proclamation ruled by the Supreme Court in the Roe V. Wade case. Contrary to this, conservatives believe human life begins at conceptions, therefore, they believe that abortion is nothing but murder which is criminal offence. Furthermore, on affirmative action, liberals support the notion that minority groups should be included in the affairs of the state. Given minorities were subjected to racism in the past, the current government should make up for that by giving them equal opportunities. Liberals heavily support affirmative action because they believe that racism is still very prevalent in our society. On the other hand, conservatives