Rear Window Theme Essay

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Alfred Hitchcock's iconic film Rear Window perfectly demonstrates the real meaning of loneliness and lack of a companion, it can have on a person.Over the course of the film Hitchcock displays his characters,at a certain stage by ending up grief and miserability. We see characters like Miss LonelyHearts who's desperate to find a love to cure her depression,Jefferies who is unknown to the social society, and Miss Hearing Aid having impact on these themes.The setting is placed up on New York city feeling apartments stacked on apartments being tight enclosed spaces. During the night it gives suspense and emphasizes the theme of voyeurism and isolation. Loneliness and isolation is very common in the real world.We will spectate how loneliness and …show more content…

Jefferies is trapped and confined inside his apartment; he has no human contact and no interaction with the outside world other than he's paid caretaker Stella and Lisa. He takes no input in society leaving him to his thoughts only. “6 weeks sitting in a two room apartment with nothing better to do but to look out the window at the neighbors”. The physical isolation makes Jefferies loneliness intensify as he lacks contact from the outside world and people. Jefferies' binoculars symbolizes voyeurism, he becomes frequently engaged in his neighbors lives trying to entertain himself from the abandonment in his apartment. This leads to him being obsessed with Mr and Mrs Thorwald life investigating their mystery.Jeff voyeuristic actions believes how he has a sense of belonging and a connection to the outside world. Additionally Jeff and Stella’s his nurse,these conversations are talking about every neighbor this shows how distant he is from everyone shows he's sly observant side. “It's about time you got married before you turn into a lonesome and bitter old”. In this quote Stella here is suggesting to Jeffereis that he should settle down things,she is worried about him, she doesn't want him ending up lonely as it's already affecting his mental health as he's been temporarily in his apartment because of his injured leg. Stella, already seeing him in his state, can't bare to think that it will be healthy that Jeff can be alone for any longer.Furthermore Jeff's relationships with others are strained; this shows how lonely he is being stuck in his apartment. Jeffs and Lisa, his girlfriend, their relationship is very unstable, Jeff is unwillingly wanting to commit, fearing how he will be lonesome and still wants to explore the