Reasons For People To Make Their Own Choices In Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry

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Is It Important for People to Make Their Own Choices in Life?
By: Elaina Stuva

Everyone’s been forced to do something they did not want to do. Like all things, it affected something, maybe your family or made a friendship. That effect could’ve been positive or negative but it wasn’t your choice. In life, everyone should have a choice, good, bad, or different. One of the few good reasons to tell someone what to do is if they are doing something to harm someone or themselves on purpose. People need to be able to lean on their own and not just by someone telling them what to do all the time. Even if it’s slightly dangerous, not life-threatening. One of the many reasons why people need to make their own decisions is simply because the human brain learns from mistakes and builds off of them. Which is verified by studies. In Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry, Cassie Logan and her family find ways to retaliate against the white people who are treating her and the …show more content…

That affects the choices we make and why we make them. In “The Unknown Citizen” the writer of the poem is showing the worker's experience made him act more normal. Due to his normality, the government did not know anything about him. The government needed to look through his records to know even a little bit about him and how he acted. So this proves that no matter your choices, society's rules, or your own, you’ll seem different. Some people would say making choices for yourself can be dangerous. Which is that kind of retort isn’t completely wrong, some choices can be life-threatening. An example of that is “Three Cheers for the Nanny State” which shows that people do not always make the best choice. It also proves that sometimes it’s good for someone to make choices for people. To clarify, one of the things that bothered everyone during the ban was that it restricted people from doing what they want. In other words “My body, my choice” kind of