
Reasons Why Gavrilo Princip Killed Franz Ferdinand

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Causes of World War 1 In June, 28,1914 a 19-year-old Serb nationalist named Gavrilo Princip, a member of the black hand, assassinated archduke Franz Ferdinand who is next in line for the Austria-Hungarian throne. This essay is about the reasons why Gavrilo Princip killed Franz Ferdinand that day. This essay will talk about nationalism, imperialism, Alliances, and militarism. The Triple entente and triple alliance are the two sides. The triple entente was Russia, France, and Great Britain. The triple alliance was Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. Nationalism is deep pride, devotion, and love for your country. Nationalism is one of the reasons the war started. Gavrilo Princip killed Franz Ferdinand because of his deep pride devotion and love for his country. Bosnia wanted to be part of Serbia, but …show more content…

Because of imperialism, competition between the colonies has developed. Austria-Hungary wanted to prove that they are the best by conquering Bosnia. Bosnia wanted to rebel so they caused a horrid act which was killing Franz Ferdinand. The cause of the death of Franz Ferdinand was not Bosnia's alone, it was Austria being too arrogant. Alliances were the thing that made the war worse. The two alliances are the triple entente and the triple alliance. Because of the alliances, each country backed each other up which made this war bigger than what it was originally supposed to become. In the war, more people join and support the team that they feel deserves it. Other countries join the war later. Militarism is glorifying war and establishing an army prepared to fight. Some countries glorify or love war. Because of militarism, other countries create new weapons like poison gas, machine guns, tanks, submarines, and large artillery. The new weapons caused more deaths and make it even harder. There are new weapons also new technology to be made because of the

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