Reasons Why Us Joined Ww1

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Robert Vangorden 3 Reasons Why the U.S Joined W.W.1 1,195 people were killed on Friday May 7th, 1915. A boat was shot and sunk by a German submarine, with only 756 survivors after the wreck. World War one is known as the First War or The Great War. The war originated in Europe and lasted from July 28th 1914 to November 11th 1918. This was one of the deadliest fights in history. The sinking of the Lusitania was a major part of W.W.1. It left 761 survivors out of 1,959 people on board. What caused the ship to sink was a German submarine that shot a torpedo at it. The U.S was mad about this because before Germany made a promise about if any ship had U.S citizens in it, a warning would be given before the boat was shot. This evidence proves that this is one of the reasons why the U.S joined W.W.1, and also why U.S turned against Germany. The U.S joined W.W.1 because of German submarines, the Zimmerman telegraph, and british propaganda. …show more content…

Britain had told lies about Germany and the things they did.Britain tried to convince U.S and others to fight against Germany in the war. They did this by telling false lied about Germany and saying how they would kill Belgium babies. Britain made it seem like Germany was this place it really wasn't, convincing most places to join the fight. The U.S was one of these States that fell for the lies and joined the fight. The evidence is important because it backs up my claim about one of the reasons the U.S joined W.W.1. Britain convinced the U.S to join the war