
Red Blushed And All Cut Up Poem Summary

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Poetry is an art form that allows poets to express their thoughts, feelings, and past experiences through a creative media in writing from an array of backgrounds. The following three poems focus on the character with drawing within themselves in order to face the situation at hand with different results. “Red Blushed and All Cut Up” by Pail McCann documents the essence of being within an embarrassing situation. In this poem the character relies on inner dialogue to convey their desire to leave the situation. McCann adds irony, humor, and imagery to illustrate the character while adding end stops to the dialogue to demonstrate their frantic being. “Child Burial” by Paula Meehan illustrates a mother’s grief tog having to bury child and the regrets that live on afterwards. In this scenario, the mother withdraws all her feeling about her child insider herself in order to deal with her grief, However, Meehan uses imagery to shows the mother’s transformation form affection to regretful and including a metaphor to draw the comparison of life and death viewed through her eyes. “The Waking” by Theodore Roethke captures the journey to …show more content…

The theme of the poem is realization of the self and the journey it takes to reach that awaking. The beginning of the poem starts with the character being asleep and addressing their future. For instance, “I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow. I feel my fate in what I cannot fear” (Roethke, lines 1-2). The character is in the disoriented state just before they wake up and this is the start of their journey to self realization. This is significant to the character because they are aware they are letting go of themselves in order to journey into the unknown which is why they cannot fear it. Also, the sentence follows the iambic parameter which adds to the effect of the character slowly coming waking and taking this new adventure

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