
Red Death In Frankenstein

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Red death is a type of disease that is spreading, killing a lot of people are getting scared even the prince so he locks his gate and then throws a big party after months the party went on at 12 this one man showed up the prince saw him and he removed his mask and look such as he was a corpse he was one of the victims red death everyone was so afraid of him They would not let him enter the other rooms then When other party-goers enter the room to attack the cloaked man, they find that there is nobody beneath the costume. Everyone then dies, for the Red Death has infiltrated the castle. I really think the story is kinda like you can't judge a book by its cover and can't trust no one cause that guy came in there and no one knew who he was. The red death made their dreams freeze they basically had no feeling. The music and the red death was getting to everyone and …show more content…

Seize him and unmask him -- that we may know whom we have to hang at sunrise, from the battlements!" they went to unmask him and like I said at first when they did no one was there. The monster is not really a monster he is reality. His rhythm the poem is really good. This is kinda like a true story like the rich people basically saying you can't touch us we are rich. Every one in the party freezes everyone un nervos the story mostly about death like in other storys bell ringing and sun going down death usally happen when those things happen. This is basiclly a party throwing in the face of death. This shows you you cant litallery stop death. You got to look at it that time period like if you get sick you cant go to the stores and get some medcine like if you got sick you where in bad shape. Every one is biggest fear is death and the fear that can not be seen , But then you have the phiscal in body meanth of

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