Red Wolf Endangerment

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Animals and plants become at risk for extinction, or endangerment, when environments and ecosystems are changed by human activities or other natural causes (Wright & Boorse, 2014). Regrettably, human activity is usually the source of environmental change and endangerment to a species through pollution, over-consumption, and in some regions of the world, over-population (Wright & Boorse, 2014). Also attributable to the destruction of a species, are the human activities that result in habitat loss and the introduction of an exotic species into foreign ecosystems (Wright & Boorse, 2014). Human activity is not solely to blame, as each species also has natural predators; however, habitat loss, relating to economic development, appears to be the …show more content…

Habitats generally consist of grasslands, rainforests, deciduous forests, deserts, and wetlands, thusly; each habitat provides the right mix of essential elements that make life possible for a species ("Endangered," 2007).
The red wolf (Canis Rufus), in 1967, became classified as one of the most endangered species of Canid in the United States ("Recovery," 2015). The red wolf, indigenous to North America, and once common throughout the eastern and southcentral portions of the United States ("Recovery," 2015), is one of two species of wolf that includes the Canis Lupus, otherwise known as the gray wolf ("History," 2015). Related to both the gray and red wolf, are the other members of the carnivorous Canid biological family, comprising of jackals, foxes, coyotes, and the domestic dog ("History," 2015). Separating the red wolf from the other Canids is the red wolf’s distinguishable reddish fur prominently located behind the ears, and along the neck and legs ("History," 2015). Size of the red wolf is …show more content…

Gaining allies from the general public, through education and sound science, is the next move towards the sustainability of the red wolf population by means of local, state, and federal laws that limits or places land use under private ownership. Lastly, stewardship is carried out through developing partnerships with likeminded people and organizations that possess the shared goals of conservation and repopulation of the red