Redha Movie Analysis

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Redha film is a film inspired from a true story and adapted to film because the director wanted to tell and reveal the acceptance of family members and the people around the special child 's to the audience. The film was directed by Tunku Mona Riza in drama genre. Theme in the film Redha is Autism featuring couples families caring for children with autism and perspective view of society that does not care the issue of autism in the country. Director of the film highlighting Redha not as familiar story lines but in general according to the auteur theory. Autism featured in the film Redha to expose to the public that children with autism need intensive care treatment and guiding of association autism are responsible for helping children and adults with autism. Director do a research that there are authority in Malaysia Autism association that will treat and take care of Autistic children like NASOM, IDEA Autism Centre and PDK. For those who suffer from autism as age two or three years where no eye contact with others and also will having a passive character. Children with autism will also be repeating the same thing and recurrence what they usually do. The autism also cannot hear too noisy things that will make them pat ear many times. Scene when Danial like to talking alone and like being in his own world and will become hyper when near water. Children with autism are not able to hear the words of others due to the appreciation of the hearing cannot focus on what they

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