Reflection Of A Professional Experience: The Importance Of Professional Development

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Now days the Professional development is essential for our life, it can provide the drive to progress careers, kept across the industry competitive and, ultimately, can make you more employable. Professional development is something you will do every day of your life without even thinking about it; however, being aware of the development you learned will allow you to record this and develop in a proffessional way. In order to be effectively in work field and your lifetime, it is important that you need to improving your knowledge and skills continually to keep yourself at high levels of professional competence.
When I finished my degree at university and go to work area I found difficulty to deal with problems in work field, because the people I met are think in different way from people where I was at university, it is something like to put someone inside box for long time after that you put it in crowded area and he or she has to communicate with these people in order to be up to date for life changes. As a result of this I recognize the education at university is not enough as I thought and if I need to be a professional I should develop my skills in professional way. For this reason I decided to take this course.
In this course I learned how to develop my abilities to be effective and more organize in order to encourage myself and my team for work. Before that it is important to rate myself to know where I am exactly and what I need to develop. In my essay I will

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