Nursing Decision Making Paper

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Every day, we are making hundreds of decisions, big and small. As soon as the day begins, we decide minor things like what to wear, what to have for breakfast, or what route to take to work. We also make significant decisions, like whether to stay in a relationship, what job we want to go to every day, or how we choose to treat the people who surround us. Many factors have shaped who we are and in turn, the decisions we make. The nursing profession is one that is composed of constant critical thinking and decision making. It is important that we as nurses understand why we make the decisions that we do, because these factors are an important aspect of critical thinking (Dietrich, 2010). I grew up in a small family who didn’t have much, but I never really noticed. While we never lead an extravagant lifestyle, my parents always did the best they could to make sure we …show more content…

It is important to reflect on my own decision-making process and what influences me into making those decisions. It will help me to realize why I am making good decisions, and to hopefully realize why I may be heading towards a decision that isn’t the best. This is an important skill for me to have because nurses make decisions all the time and use critical thinking every day. Reflecting on my past experiences also enables me to remember the importance of using those experiences to be an empathetic, caring, and compassionate …show more content…

Decision making: factors that influence decision making, heuristics used, and decision outcomes. Inquiries journal student pulse. 2, 1-3. Retrieved from Lander, L., Howsare, J., & Byrne, M. (2013). The Impact of Substance Use Disorders on Families and Children: From Theory to Practice. Social Work in Public Health, 28(0), 194–205.