Reflection On Individual Behavior

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Therapist met with individual mother to sign annual papers and goals for individual behavior. Therapist and mom discuss individual hollering loud in the classroom at her peers. Therapist informed mom that she and individual will work on relaxation skills to assist individual with calming down before getting angry. Mom states she will speak with individual about behaving better at school.

Individual displays regression in interaction with peers due to individual hollering at peers when angry as reported by individual teacher.

Therapist plans to meet with individual on Wednesday, February 15, 2017, between 1-3 PM to work on relaxation techniques through role-play to assist individual with anger management and peer interaction.
Jaleel - …show more content…

Mom states individual teacher states individual was about to fight another student. Therapist informed mom that she and individual will continue to work on calm and self-control techniques to help individual when angry. Mom states she will make sure individual takes deep breaths before arguing or fighting anyone.

Individual displays regression in angry management due to individual arguing with peers daily as reported by individual teacher.

Therapist plans to meet with individual on Thursday, February 16, 2017, between 12-2 PM to work on self-control and calm techniques through role-play.
Demarcus- (1:30-2:15) IRS
Therapist met with individual to discuss individual teacher concerns of individual interacting positively with his peers. Therapist and individual work on conflict-resolution techniques to assist individual with interacting positively with his peers and others through role-play. Individual states he will continue to get along with his peers, but they get him in trouble.

Individual displays no change in anger management due to individual bothering his peers as reported by individual teacher.

Therapist plans to meet with individual and mom on Wednesday, February 15, 2017, between 12-2 PM to work on positive communication skills using therapeutic worksheets and through role-play.
Siseli- (2:15-3:05) Mom

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