Personal Narrative: If I Am Not For Myself

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" If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?" I will always watch out for my friends, and always care for others around me. I will always stand up for the rights of others and follow my religion 's beliefs in order to live a positive and fulfilling life while tapping into spirituality to peruse my interests.

At seven years old, I would listen to what mommy and daddy would tell
Me. " if the wind blows while you 're pulling that face, it will stay like that forever cassidy." Having many questions daunting in my head of the possibility of that, I would just go with it because mommy and daddy know best, it has to be true! As time progressed forward, I began to argue with things that …show more content…

I found a specific interest in this, and wanted to explore it further and attempt to build up my soul in any way I can. To do this, I got involved in Bnei Akiva, a youth movement that offered specific values for aspects of life and Judaism. I delved deep into prayers and took part in activities that taught to how to love Judaism and find out who I am by using its traits and beliefs. I found myself over thinking upon the fact that my physical body is nothing but a protective cover for my soul. Just like a laptop ; you see what 's coming from the screen and can search things by typing on the keyboard, but what truly makes it work is the interior wiring system that no one really sees. From this analogy, I decided that it 's important to elevate my soul rather than my body, since my soul is eternal while my body is …show more content…

Due to my passion of helping others and making their lives better at the same time as mine, and my interest in spirituality, I thought it would be funny to see if there was a spirit animal that would fit my traits. Since a llama is my favorite animal, I decided to Google its representation. I found that the totem shows that people with this spirit animal have a very easy going personality and have a tendency to sacrifice their own lifestyle to accommodate others. They also tend to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders and have a strong connection to the environment and its subtle changes. If they are treated unfairly they tend to get somewhat stubborn and willful and make it clear that they are not pleased with the situation. They are generous in service to others and thrive in group settings although they often forget to serve themselves.

I was beyond shocked to find out that the things mentioned for my spirit animal were the exact character traits that I possess, and so I use this analogy to remind me to always stick with who I am, and concentrate on my inner llama qualities.

All of the experiences I have gone through in my short eighteen years have built up my character traits and my belief systems and I am determined to pursue every single
One for the rest of my life. Hopefully One day I will have the ability to use my passion of helping people by becoming a lawyer who practices