
Reflective Essay: Deciding To Go Back To College

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Deciding to go back to college to complete my degree was a big decision. For many years, I’ve always thought about it, but never put the thought into action, until recently. The decision to finish my education seems to be the best decision thus far. I am learning so much more than I expected. Taking the short quiz about learning styles helped me to analyze and understand that my styles and abilities are intrapersonal (looks inward and figures out own feelings), verbal/linguistic (learns concepts more easily), and visual-spatial (artistic and good at remembering images). In being intrapersonal, I feel that I am able to complete all my goals by working and learning independently. I’m currently working two jobs and taking a full schedule in college. I don’t have a whole lot of extra time to have a social life, so the independence and quiet times that I have are important. I’m always jotting down my goals and aspirations, and I’m determined to get it all accomplished. I’m learning a lot and applying it to the other things that I have learned to gain more understanding of the subject matter. With this type of intelligence, I can definitely make a career choice worthy to be challenged. …show more content…

I love reading novels about real life situations that have mystery, romance, and humor. I have a very large book collection of over 400 books that I sometimes reread. I do not like grammatical mistakes, misspelled words, and using words out of context. I guess this can be called my pet peeve. I put forth all efforts in understanding what I am reading or have read to get my assignments completed to the best of my ability. This intelligence and learning style is also similar to intrapersonal as it describes the independence and quiet time that I enjoy. With this type of intelligence, I can make a career choice of being an administrator of a large company making the money I’ve always dreamed of

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