Reflective Essay For Canadian Politics

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It all began when the 2015 Canadian Federal Election was just around the corner. Despite that voting was beyond my ability, I became incredibly interested in politics. Although the media covers a vast portion of canadian politics I wanted to further my understanding by doing hands-on work, so that is exactly what I did! During the summer of 2015, I was curious so I researched and looked for someone who can guide me in becoming involved. Eventually, I found that a family friend was a representative of the NDP Brampton North campaign. I was always eager to try new activities, and wanted to incorporate the knowledge obtained from DECA and The World Issues Group to learn and benefit from the political spectrum. As soon as I walked in, I began networking with my peers and the coordinator and got to know each and every one of them very well. In general, I noticed that many of the members also wanted to be involved in the business sector and used this political opportunity as a means to make connections in the business world. Being a summer activity, I devoted many …show more content…

Some of the team oriented tasks consisted of folding and packaging pamphlets, organizing campaign signs, and sorting leaflets. I also had the opportunity to interact with people and encourage them to vote in order to make a difference. Throughout my volunteer experience, I have observed that politics depends greatly on the community. Many politicians work together to tackle major problems and that is exactly what I did! A majority of the tasks required cooperation, such as going door to door, answering questions, and explaining NDP’s campaign to citizens. I fused my skills of teamwork and problem solving into my political environment in order to complete daily tasks to the best of my ability. Many individuals applauded my hard work which drove me to continue working hard to better the