Reflective Essay: How I Changed My Writing Class

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Academic Writing Throughout high school, a variety of courses were offered in order to fulfill the required English credit to graduate. I had always dreaded English courses because the work was so open-ended; every class a new opportunity for things to go well or horribly wrong. My junior year, my favorite teacher was offering a course to upperclassmen called Creative Writing. The tittle drew me in, creative meant that there were no wrong answers, right? Over the semester my teacher had the us create short stories, poetry, narratives, and every other type of writing you can put your own personal touch on. For the final project, my teacher allowed us students to do whatever we wanted as long as we ran it by her. I choose to look at portrait paintings of unique individuals done by 10 different artists throughout history. In my writing, I would look at the person in the portrait and give them a story, emotions and a future. The final copy was about 30 pages long and by far my favorite piece of writing I’ve ever created. …show more content…

As the tittle of the class would suggest, this course for only senior classmen focused on how to get college essay ready. The aspect of this class the changed my writing was the use of peer review. The way my teacher had us do it was by submitting our papers to a website in which the essays would be randomly assigned to other classmates and then we’d anonymously edit another student’s essay. The idea of confidentiality really helped myself and other students find confidence our own writing skills. At the same time, giving feedback on my peers’ papers also made me realize mistakes I was making on my own papers. Although the content of what I was writing in the class was not enjoyable, the improvements I saw in my own writing made showing up to classes during senior year worth my