Reflective Essay In College Writing

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Although I did well in college writing 101 and 102, writing has never been my strong point of school, but I do feel like I learned very much this year. First semester was a little bit easier than this semester because all of the sources that were used in the essay were given to you, so no time was spent evaluating and finding the perfect sources for your paper. Overall, I kept my work ethic the same throughout both semesters by taking the same individual steps to complete all of the essays. The first paper of this semester was difficult for me, but by the final research paper, I felt more confident and the research process did become easier for me as this semester progressed. There are still some things that I can improve on, such as counter arguments and sentence structure, but generally the writing process went well for me. …show more content…

The hardest part of this paper for me was narrowing down my topic and getting the three points of my topic to evaluate. Since I had never done an argument of evaluation essay before, I feel like this is why it was challenging for me to understand what the criteria was for this kind of essay. I planned to write my paper on neurology but the points of the body paragraph that I wanted to argue were not fitting the criteria. I ended up switching my body paragraph topics and getting additional research. This was frustrating for me at first, but I realized that it was not an awful thing. This was the only paper I changed my topic for, so it definitely taught me how to not get frustrated and to take my time researching and going through the paper correctly. Although this paper ended up being good in the end, I still could have worked on my counter argument to make sure it matched the opposing view