Reflective Essay On Online Class

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This past two months have been rewarding, enlightening and challenging. Being my first time in taking an online class, it was really a huge adjustment for me. I was so used to the traditional setting where there is an instructor in front of the class, and the students discuss the topics in person. I thought I will not like the idea of sending an email for a question and discussing lessons through posts, but I did. I was able to say my ideas that honestly, I might have never said if I was face to face with someone. Based on my four speeches, I really saw an improvement, it was not a lot, but there was a noticeable change in my delivery, although I know that my content is substantial, I felt that the structure got worse towards the end of the …show more content…

Again, my third one is a mess. And my last speech, I wish I reviewed all my facts and tailored the outline a little better. I know for a fact that I did my research, but I was too afraid that if I discuss all my ideas that will make me go over the time limit again. As a problem solution pattern, I didn't deliver an actual solution, although I did have a solution, I sadly cut it from my final draft. I found out that I need to develop my writing skills more, improve the organization of my ideas and always pay attention to what is being ask in the problem. I wished that I gave more time practicing my speeches, I was not lazy nor slacking but I think I settled. I know I could have done better. However, I feel that I'm accomplished, I gained confidence in speaking in public. The speech class thought me how to be a listener, because if you ask me, I will rather go home after I spoke each meeting. Although it's mandatory, I'm glad I was there. I find listening to my classmates really refreshing. Knowing what their interest and how they interpret problems. I definitely learn a lot of information, from yoga to solar panel, reflexology to glass staining. Things that will not even grab my attention if somebody mention it. Also, listening made me patient and opened my perspective on different