
Reflective Essay: Presentation Of Homelessness In Croydon

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Within my reflective essay, I have done a presentation of homelessness in Croydon, and a reflection of the presentation on how I was feeling before, during, and after the presentation by using Gibbs reflective cycle.

In social work in action, I had been asked to do a reflection on our group activity for my summative. I am reflecting on the presentation I did on homelessness and things I have learned through my group work and presenting the PowerPoint. I was placed in a group of six, and I was given an area to research on. The area I was given was Croydon, and as a group, we had a topic of homelessness which as a group we had decided to research this topic.
The presentation includes information on homelessness, the causes; figures of how many people are homeless, and support that homeless people can be given if they chose to accept any help. …show more content…

I had chosen to research and present the causes of homelessness in Croydon, and I had presented this to my class at the University of West London, where it was a safe and relaxed environment. The result of this presentation, I was able to present the causes of homelessness in a controlled and relaxed environment where I had been comfortable in standing up in front, sharing my part of the PowerPoint.
The other members of the group had researched and presented other parts of the information on homelessness. As a group, we had decided to start the presentation with a question, which was ‘If one of us was homeless, how would we feel about this’ and ‘Put yourself in their shoes’, to help the class understand homelessness and the impact this could have on a person. As the result of this, it had made a powerful statement and made us a class, reflected on how big issues homelessness is in the

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